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PHP File Open/Read

PHP Check End-Of-File - feof()

6.1 PHP Dates and Time - Exercises
Started: Feb 12 at 8:06pm
Question 1 1 pts
Use the correct date function to output the weekday of today (monday, tuesday etc.). Fill in the blank.

echo date("l");
Question 2 1 pts
Use the correct format parameter to output a date like this: 2021.01.05. Fill in the blank.

echo date("Y.m.d" );
Question 3 1 pts
Use the correct format parameter to output the time like this: 14:08:58 (with hour as a 24-hour format). Fill in the blank.
echo date("H.i.s" );

6. PHP Advanced - Exercises
Started: Feb 19 at 2:57am

Question 1 1 pts

Write a correct syntax to include a file named "footer.php". Fill in the blank.

<?php include "footer.php" ;?>

Question 2 1 pts

Assume we have a file named "webdict.txt", write the correct syntax to open and read the file content. Fill in the blank.

echo readfile("webdict.txt") ;

Question 3 1 pts

Open a file, and write the correct syntax to output one character at the time, until end-of-file. Fill in the blanks.

$myfile = fopen("webdict.txt", "r");

while(! feof ($myfile)) {
echo fgetc ($myfile);

Question 4 1 pts

Create a cookie named "username". Fill in the blank.

setcookie ("username", "John", time() + (86400 * 30), "/");

Question 5 1 pts

Create a session variable named "favcolor". Fill in the blank.


["favcolor"] = "green";

Question 6 1 pts

Output the value of the session variable "favcolor". Fill in the blank.

echo ;

// create function read the file
$myfile = fopen("include/Module6Quiz.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
// Output one line until end-of-file
while(!feof($myfile)) {
  echo fgets($myfile) . "<br>"; // display the contents of the file

// close the file