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PHP Abstract Classes

Choose German quality! I'm an Audi!
Proud to be Swedish! I'm a Volvo!
French extravagance! I'm a Citroen!

// Parent class
abstract class Car {
  public $name;
  public function __construct($name) {
    $this->name = $name;
  abstract public function intro() : string; 

// Child classes
class Audi extends Car {
  public function intro() : string {
    return "Choose German quality! I'm an $this->name!"; 

class Volvo extends Car {
  public function intro() : string {
    return "Proud to be Swedish! I'm a $this->name!";

class Citroen extends Car {
  public function intro() : string {
    return "French extravagance! I'm a $this->name!"; 

// Create objects from the child classes
$audi = new audi("Audi");
echo $audi->intro();
echo "<br>";

$volvo = new volvo("Volvo");
echo $volvo->intro();
echo "<br>";

$citroen = new citroen("Citroen");
echo $citroen->intro();