PHP Practice Quiz Question 1 1 pts What does PHP stand for? Group of answer choices Private Home Page Personal Hypertext Processor PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor x Question 2 1 pts PHP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters, which? Group of answer choices ... <&>... x Question 3 1 pts How do you write "Hello World" in PHP Group of answer choices "Hello World"; Document.Write("Hello World"); echo "Hello World"; x Question 4 1 pts All variables in PHP start with which symbol? Group of answer choices ! & $ x Question 5 1 pts What is the correct way to end a PHP statement? Group of answer choices New line . ; x Question 6 1 pts The PHP syntax is most similar to: Group of answer choices VBScript JavaScript Perl and C x Question 7 1 pts How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method? Group of answer choices Request.QueryString; Request.Form; $_GET[]; x Question 8 1 pts When using the POST method, variables are displayed in the URL: Group of answer choices True False x Question 9 1 pts In PHP you can use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings: Group of answer choices True x False Question 10 1 pts Include files must have the file extension ".inc" Group of answer choices True False x Question 11 1 pts What is the correct way to include the file "" ? Group of answer choices x Question 12 1 pts What is the correct way to create a function in PHP? Group of answer choices function myFunction() x new_function myFunction() create myFunction() Question 12 1 pts What is the correct way to create a function in PHP? Group of answer choices function myFunction() x new_function myFunction() create myFunction() Question 14 1 pts PHP allows you to send emails directly from a script Group of answer choices True x False Question 15 1 pts Which superglobal variable holds information about headers, paths, and script locations? Group of answer choices $GLOBALS $_SERVER x $_GET $_SESSION Question 16 1 pts What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable? Group of answer choices $count++; x count++; ++count $count =+1 Question 17 1 pts What is a correct way to add a comment in PHP? Group of answer choices *\...\* ... /*...*/ x Question 18 1 pts PHP can be run on Microsoft Windows IIS(Internet Information Server): Group of answer choices True x False Question 19 1 pts The die() and exit() functions do the exact same thing. Group of answer choices True x False Question 20 1 pts Which one of these variables has an illegal name? Group of answer choices $my-Var x $my_Var $myVar Question 21 1 pts How do you create a cookie in PHP? Group of answer choices setcookie() x makecookie() createcookie Question 22 1 pts In PHP, the only way to output text is with echo. Group of answer choices True False x Question 23 1 pts How do you create an array in PHP? Group of answer choices $cars = "Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota"; $cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota"); x $cars = array["Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota"]; Question 24 1 pts The if statement is used to execute some code only if a specified condition is true Group of answer choices True x False Question 25 1 pts Which operator is used to check if two values are equal and of same data type? Group of answer choices != == = === x Code Quiz Challenge Question 26 In PHP, which operator is used for type comparison? == === x != <> Question 27 Which PHP superglobal variables are available inside all scripts throughout the running script's lifecycle, without needing to do any special require or include? $GLOBALS x $_SERVER $CLIENT $SYSTEM Question 28 What does the isset() function in PHP check? Checks if a variable is an array Checks if a variable has been set and is not NULL x Checks if a variable contains number data type Checks if a variable contains boolean data type Question 29 $x = true and false; What is the value of the $x variable in a PHP script? true false null x 0 Question 30 In PHP, superglobals are special variables that are always ... Initialized at the start of a script Declared in the global scope Available in all scopes throughout a script x Definable by the user Question 31 What is the purpose of the 'isset()' function in PHP? It determines whether a variable is set and is not NULL x It sets a specific value for a variable It checks if a variable is of a specific datatype It deletes a variable from the memory Question 32 What is the primary use of an abstract class in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? It is used to create objects. x It provides a way to group related code happily together. It forces developers to follow a certain pattern or structure. They can only contain static methods. Question 33 Which of the following PHP superglobals are not request-specific? $_GET $_POST $GLOBALS x $_SESSION Question 34 What happens when you declare a variable in PHP with specified type? PHP automatically assigns the variable the default value of the declared type. PHP throws an error because explicit type declaration isn't supported. Nothing particular happens, it operates same as loose type language. x PHP changes all previous declarations of said variable to match the new type. Question 35 What will be the output of following code snippet in PHP ? $x = 5; $y = '5'; var_dump($x === $y); int(1) bool(true) bool(false) x int(0) Question 36 In PHP, how would you create a loop that iterates over an array and displays each element of the array? Using a buffer and concatenating each element to the buffer. Using the `for` loop and an iteration variable incremented after each cycle. `foreach($array as $value) { echo $value; }` x `while($array) { echo array_shift($array); }` Question 37 What will the output of this PHP script be?: 11 12 x 10 13 Question 38 What is the main purpose of the isset() function in PHP? It checks if a variable is set and is not NULL x It sets a specific value to a variable It checks if a variable is set and is NULL It destructs a particular variable Question 39 n PHP language, which of the following global variables is used to get HTTP file upload variables? $_POST x $_GET $_FILES $_SERVER Question 40 What does the $_SESSION['user'] superglobal accesses in a PHP script? A globally-initialized variable named 'user' Data stored in the session array for 'user' x A constant named 'user' A browser's user agent info Question 41 Which of the following PHP superglobals are used to get information from a form that is transmitted using method="get"? $_POST $_GET x $_REQUEST $_SERVER Question 42 Which of the following PHP math functions can be used to generate a random number? rand() x random_num() mt_rand() randomint() Question 43 What is the use of 'self' keyword in PHP? 'Self' is used for referring to static members of the class 'Self' is used to create new instances of the class 'Self' is used to destroy instances of the class 'Self' is used to refer to the parent class x Question 44 What is the primary role of the __construct() function in a PHP class? It handles exception for a class It initiates all attributes of a class x It deletes a class object It hides all data members of a class Question 45 In PHP, how can you connect to a MySQL database using PDO (PHP Data Objects)? `$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', '');` x `$db = new MySQL('localhost', 'root', '', 'test');` `$db = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password', 'database');` `$db = new PDO(); $db->connect('localhost', 'root', '', 'test');` Question 46 Which of the following PHP superglobal variables does not exist? $_POST $_SERVER $_REQUEST $_USER x Question 47 In PHP, which of the following can be used to define a constant? define() function x constant keyword $ sign const keyword Question 47 In PHP, what global variable stores information submitted by HTML forms? $_GET $_POST $_GLOBALS x $_FILES Question 48 In PHP, what kind of variable is $_POST? An array variable x A string variable A Boolean variable A numerical variable Question 49 In PHP, what does the $_POST superglobal variable do? It can hold variables passed to the current script through the HTTP POST method. x It stores session data across multiple pages. It holds variables passed to the current script through the environment method. It carries form data as part of the URL in an HTTP GET. Question 50 In PHP, which of the following is the correct way to define a variable? var $myVar = 'Hello World'; $myVar == 'Hello World'; $myVar := 'Hello World'; $myVar = 'Hello World'; x Question 51 What does the ?> shorthand signify in PHP? It signals the start of a PHP code block It signals the end of a PHP code block x It denotes a multi-line comment It signifies a string value Question 52 What is the correct way of declaring a global variable in a function in PHP? global $var = 'value'; function functionName() { $GLOBALS['var'] = 'value'; } x $GLOBALS var = 'value'; Both 'global $var = 'value';' and 'function functionName() { $GLOBALS['var'] = 'value'; }' Question 53 In PHP, what is the purpose of the foreach loop? It is used to continue execution of the current script at the next iteration of the outermost containing loop. It provides an easy way to iterate over arrays. x It is used to execute a block of code a specified number of times. It is used to execute code if a condition is true. Question 54 In PHP, which of the following are valid conditional operators? == (Equal) <= (Less than or Equal to) x * (Multiply) $= (Dollar equal) Question 55 In PHP, performs a search for a match in a string, and replaces the matched text with the replacement text. Which function achieves this? preg_replace() str_replace() x substr_replace() preg_match() Question 56 In PHP, what is the correct way to start a session? session_star() session_start session.Start() session_start() x Question 57 In PHP, what is the SuperGlobal variable that holds information about headers, paths and script locations? $_GET $_POST $_SERVER x $_SESSION Question 58 In PHP, which statement is used to include a specified file in the script? include() x import() add() incorporate() Question 59 In PHP, what is the purpose of using a foreach loop structure? To execute a block of code a single time. To execute a block of code for every item in an array or object. x To check if a certain condition is true or false. To securely connect to a database. Question 60 Which of the following superglobals in PHP do not contain user input data? $_SERVER x $_GET $_POST $_SESSION Question 61 Which of the following PHP superglobals would you typically use to retrieve data from a form that was submitted using the GET method? $_GET x $_POST $_SERVER $_REQUEST Question 62 Which PHP superglobal variable holds information about headers, paths, and script locations? $GLOBAL $_GET $_SERVER x $_POST Question 63 What is the superglobal variable $_POST designed for in PHP? To store session data To collect form data after submitting an HTML form with method="post" x To collect URL parameters To manage cookies Question 64 Which of the following is NOT a standard superglobal in PHP? $_GET $GLOBALS $_POST $_DATA x Code Quiz Challenge You answered 26 out of 39 questions correctly 260 XP Question 65 Output "Hello World" if $a is greater than $b. $a = 50; $b = 10; if ($a > $b) { echo "Hello World"; } Question 66 Output $i as long as $i is less than 6. $i = 1; while ($i < 6) { echo $i; $i++; } Question 67 Create a loop that runs from 0 to 9. for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { echo $i; } Question 68 Use the correct function to output the number of items in an array. $fruits = array("Apple", "Banana", "Orange"); echo count($fruits); Question 69 Create an associative array containing the age of Peter, Ben and Joe. $age = array("Peter" => "35", "Ben" => "37", "Joe" => "43"); Question 70 Loop through an associative array and output the key and the value. foreach($age as $x => $y) { echo "Key=" . $x . ", Value=" . $y; } Question 71 Use the correct array method to sort the $colors array alphabetically. $colors = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow"); sort($colors); Question 72 Use the correct array method to sort the $colors array descending alphabetically. $colors = array("red", "green", "blue", "yellow"); rsort($colors); Question 73 Use the correct array method to sort the $age array according to the values. $age = array("Peter"=>"35", "Ben"=>"37", "Joe"=>"43"); asort($age); Question 74 If the form in the white section below gets submitted, how can you, in welcome.php, output the value from the "first name" field?
First name:
Welcome Question 75 If the form in the white section below gets submitted, how can you, in welcome.php, output the value from the "first name" field?. Hint: The http method is not the same as in Exercise 1.
First name:
Welcome Question 76 Use the correct date function to output the weekday of today (monday, tuesday etc.). echo date("l"); Question 77 Use the correct format parameter to output a date like this: 2024.03.01. echo date("Y.m.d"); Question 78 Use the correct format parameter to output the time like this: 20:56:42 (with hour as a 24-hour format). echo date("H:i:s"); Question 79 Assume we have a file named "webdict.txt", write the correct syntax to open and read the file content. echo readfile("webdict.txt"); Question 80 Open a file, and write the correct syntax to output one character at the time, until end-of-file. $myfile = fopen("webdict.txt", "r"); while(!feof($myfile)) { echo fgetc($myfile); Question 80 Create a session variable named "favcolor". session_start(); $_SESSION["favcolor"] = "green"; Question 81 Output the value of the session variable "favcolor". echo $_SESSION["favcolor"]; Question 82 Reverse the string "Hello World!". echo strrev("Hello World!"); Question 83 In PHP, what will the output of the following be? $foo = true; if ($foo) { echo 'YES'; } else { echo 'NO' } 'YES' 'NO' 'TRUE' Error x Question 84 What is the primary purpose of 'echo' in PHP? It is used to output one or more strings. x It is used to input one or more strings. It is used to assign a value to a variable. It is used as a looping statement. Question 85 What does the private keyword in OOP PHP mean? A private method or property can be accessed everywhere within the PHP script. A private method or property can be only accessed within the class that defines it. A private method or property can be accessed within the children of class that defines it. x A private method or property can't be accessed anywhere in the PHP script. Question 86 Which of the following is a valid way to declare an array in PHP? $arr = array(1, 2, 3); $arr[] = 1, 2, 3; $arr = [1, 2, 3]; x $arr -> (1, 2, 3); Question 87 What function is used in PHP to get a value from an associative array using its key? $array[key] x get($array, key) $array->get(key) $array->key Question 88 Which of the following statements are true about PHP global variables? $_GET collects form-data sent with the HTTP GET method x $_POST is an associative array of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP POST method Global variables cannot be accessed from inside a function $_COOKIE is used to store user data within a session Question 89 Which of the following PHP conditions would be useful to verify if a variable is an integer or a float? is_float() or is_integer() x is_int() or is_double() is_var() or is_number() is_digital() or is_flt() Question 90 Which of the following variable type in PHP can hold a text string? boolean string x integer object Question 91 In PHP, which variable types are considered 'compound'? Integer and Float Array and Object x Boolean and String Resource and NULL Question 92 What is the function in PHP to check if a variable is a number? is_numeric x is_number check_numeric is_integer Question 93 In PHP, which one of the following functions would be appropriate to add an element to the beginning of an array? array_unshift() array_shift() array_push() x array_pop() In PHP, which of these options is a superglobal array? $_GET x $_POST x $server x $session x Question 94 In PHP, which of the following are considered 'superglobal' variables? $_GET x $_POST $_result x $myVar Question 95 In PHP, which of the following operators are used for comparison? == (Equal) x /= (Not Equal) x === (Identical) x <= (Less than or equal to) x Question 96 Which of the following operations in PHP is used to declare variables? $variable = value; x var variable = value; int variable = value; $variable = new Value; Question 97 Which of the following are valid PHP variable names? $var1 x 1$var $_var x $VAR x Question 98 In PHP, which of the following are considered as loosely typed data types? Integer Float String None of the above. x Question 99 In PHP scripting, which of these are superglobals? $_GET x $_POST x $myGlobalVar $_FILE Question 100 In PHP, which of the following are numeric data types? Integer x Float x String Char Question 101 In PHP, which syntax correctly defines an associative array? `$my_array = array('key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2');` `$my_array = ['key1'->'value1', 'key2'->'value2'];` `$my_array = ('key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2');` x `$my_array = array:'key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2';` Question 102 What are the basic rules for declaring a variable in PHP? Variable names can begin with a number Variable names are case sensitive x Variable names must start with a letter or underscore x Variable names can only contain numbers and letters Question 103 What is the output of the following PHP code? '5' '10' NULL Error x Question 104 In PHP, what is the correct way to initialize a string variable? $variable = 'Hello, World'; x string $variable = 'Hello, World'; $variable := 'Hello, World'; $variable == 'Hello, World'; Question 105 var salary = 25000f; The above line of code, throws a syntax error. Which of the following is a legitimate reason for PHP's refusal? PHP doesn't support prefix `var` with variable declaration. `salary` is a reserved word in PHP. 'f' at the end is not permitted in PHP for float type value assignment. x Semicolon is missing at the end. Question 106 Which of the following PHP functions can be used to merge arrays? isset() array_combine() array_merge() x implode() Question 107 In PHP, which of the following are considered scalar data types? Integer Boolean Array x Object Question 108 Which of the following are valid native PHP data types? String x Char Float x Hexadecimal Question 109 What is the correct way to concatenate two strings in PHP? $a + $b $a . $b x concat($a, $b) $a & $b Question 110 What is the main advantage of using prepare statements in MySQL with PHP? Improves performance Automatically connects to the database Prevents SQL injection attacks x Automatically closes the database connection Question 111 What does the $_POST superglobal do in PHP? It contains information from forms submitted with the POST method. x It contains all global variables of the server. It carries text data embedded in the body of HTTP requests. x It withdraws data from MySQL database related to POST transactions. Question 112 In PHP, which of the following is a supported database type in the DBMS? SQLite3 MongoDB Oracle Database Microsoft SQL Server Question 113 In PHP, which operator is used for object instantiation? -> :: x new this Question 114 In PHP, which operator is used for object property access? -> . :: x \ Question 115 In PHP, what does the preg_match() function do? Performs a Regular Expression match test. x Deletes all matches of a pattern within a string. Replaces all occurrences of a string in another string. Parses a CSV string into an array. Question 116 Output $i as long as $i is less than 6. $i = 1; do { echo $i; $i++; } while ($i < 6);