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  • PHP SimpleXML Functions

  • PHP SimpleXML Introduction

    • SimpleXML is an extension that allows us to easily manipulate and get XML data.
    • SimpleXML provides an easy way of getting an element's name, attributes and textual content if you know the XML document's structure or layout.
    • SimpleXML turns an XML document into a data structure you can iterate through like a collection of arrays and objects.


    From PHP 5, the SimpleXML functions are part of the PHP core. No installation is required to use these functions.

    PHP SimpleXML Functions

    Function Description
    __construct() Creates a new SimpleXMLElement object
    __toString() Returns the string content of an element
    addAttribute() Appends an attribute to the SimpleXML element
    addChild() Appends a child element the SimpleXML element
    asXML() Returns a well-formed XML string (XML version 1.0) from a SimpleXML object
    attributes() Returns the attributes/values of an element
    children() Returns the children of a specified node
    count() Counts the children of a specified node
    getDocNamespaces() Returns the namespaces declared in document
    getName() Returns the name of an element
    getNamespaces() Returns the namespaces used in document
    registerXPathNamespace() Creates a namespace context for the next XPath query
    saveXML() Alias of asXML()
    simplexml_import_dom() Returns a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node
    simplexml_load_file() Converts an XML document to an object
    simplexml_load_string() Converts an XML string to an object
    xpath() Runs an XPath query on XML data

    PHP SimpleXML Iteration Functions

    Function Description
    current() Returns the current element
    getChildren() Returns the child elements of the current element
    hasChildren() Checks whether the current element has children
    key() Returns the XML tag name of the current element
    next() Moves to the next element
    rewind() Rewinds to the first element
    valid() Checks whether the current element is valid
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