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  • PHP libxml Functions

  • PHP libxml Introduction

    The libxml functions and constants are used together with SimpleXML, XSLT and DOM functions.


    These functions require the libxml package. Download at in new window or tab).

    PHP libxml Functions

    PHP: indicates the earliest version of PHP that supports the function.

    Function Description
    libxml_clear_errors() Clears the libxml error buffer
    libxml_disable_entity_loader() Enables the ability to load external entities
    libxml_get_errors() Gets the errors from the the libxml error buffer
    libxml_get_last_error() Gets the last error from the the libxml error buffer
    libxml_set_external_entity_loader() Changes the default external entity loader
    libxml_set_streams_context() Sets the streams context for the next libxml document load or write
    libxml_use_internal_errors() Disables the standard libxml errors and enables user error handling

    PHP Predefined libxml Constants

    Constant Description
    LIBXML_BIGLINES Make line numbers greater than 65535 to be reported correctly
    LIBXML_COMPACT Set small nodes allocation optimization. This may improve the application performance
    LIBXML_DTDATTR Set default DTD attributes
    LIBXML_DTDLOAD Load external subset
    LIBXML_DTDVALID Validate with the DTD
    LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED Set HTML_PARSE_NOIMPLIED flag. This turns off automatic adding of implied html/body elements
    LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD Set HTML_PARSE_NODEFDTD flag. This prevents a default doctype to be added, if no doctype is found
    LIBXML_NOBLANKS Remove blank nodes
    LIBXML_NOCDATA Set CDATA as text nodes
    LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG Change empty tags (e.g. <br/> to <br></br>), only available in the DOMDocument->save() and DOMDocument->saveXML() functions
    LIBXML_NOENT Substitute entities
    LIBXML_NOERROR Do not show error reports
    LIBXML_NONET Stop network access while loading documents
    LIBXML_NOWARNING Do not show warning reports
    LIBXML_NOXMLDECL Drop the XML declaration when saving a document
    LIBXML_NSCLEAN Remove excess namespace declarations
    LIBXML_PARSEHUGE Set XML_PARSE_HUGE flag. This relaxes any hardcoded limit from the parser, such as maximum depth of a document or the size of text nodes
    LIBXML_PEDANTIC Set XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC flag. This enables pedantic error reporting
    LIBXML_XINCLUDE Use XInclude substitution
    LIBXML_ERR_ERROR Get recoverable errors
    LIBXML_ERR_FATAL Get fatal errors
    LIBXML_ERR_NONE Get no errors
    LIBXML_ERR_WARNING Get simple warnings
    LIBXML_VERSION Get libxml version (e.g. 20605 or 20617)
    LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION Get dotted libxml version (e.g. 2.6.5 or 2.6.17)
    LIBXML_SCHEMA_CREATE Create default or fixed value nodes during XSD schema validation
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