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  • 16.5 Web Worker API

    A web worker is a JavaScript running in the background, without affecting the performance of the page.

    What is a Web Worker?

    • When executing scripts in an HTML page, the page becomes unresponsive until the script is finished.
    • A web worker is a JavaScript that runs in the background, independently of other scripts, without affecting the performance of the page. You can continue to do whatever you want: clicking, selecting things, etc., while the web worker runs in the background.

    Browser Support

    The numbers in the table specify the first browser versions that fully support Web Workers:

    Chrome icon Edge icon Firefox icon Safari icon Opera icon
    Chrome 4 IE 10 Firefox 3.5 Safari 4 Opera 11.5
    Jan 2010 Sep 2012 Jun 2009 Jun 2009 Jun 2011

    Web Workers Example

    The example below creates a simple web worker that count numbers in the background:

    Example: JS Web Worker API - Counting Numbers
    web worker example

    Check Web Worker Support

    Before creating a web worker, check whether the user's browser supports it:

    if (typeof(Worker) !== "undefined") {
      // Yes! Web worker support!
      // Some code.....
    } else {
      // Sorry! No Web Worker support..

    Create a Web Worker File

    • Now, let's create our web worker in an external JavaScript.
    • Here, we create a script that counts. The script is stored in the "demo_workers.js" file:
    let i = 0;
    function timedCount() {
      i ++;
    • The important part of the code above is the postMessage() method - which is used to post a message back to the HTML page.
    • Note: Normally web workers are not used for such simple scripts, but for more CPU intensive tasks.

    Create a Web Worker Object

    • Now that we have the web worker file, we need to call it from an HTML page.
    • The following lines checks if the worker already exists, if not - it creates a new web worker object and runs the code in "demo_workers.js":
    if (typeof(w) == "undefined") {
      w = new Worker("demo_workers.js");
    • Then we can send and receive messages from the web worker.
    • Add an "onmessage" event listener to the web worker.
    w.onmessage = function(event){
      document.getElementById("result").innerHTML =;

    When the web worker posts a message, the code within the event listener is executed. The data from the web worker is stored in

    Terminate a Web Worker

    • When a web worker object is created, it will continue to listen for messages (even after the external script is finished) until it is terminated.
    • To terminate a web worker, and free browser/computer resources, use the terminate() method:

    Reuse the Web Worker

    If you set the worker variable to undefined, after it has been terminated, you can reuse the code:

    w = undefined;

    Full Web Worker Example Code

    We have already seen the Worker code in the .js file. Below is the code for the HTML page:

    Example: JS Web Worker API - Counting Numbers
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <p>Count numbers: <output id="result"></output></p>
    <button onclick="startWorker()">Start Worker</button>
    <button onclick="stopWorker()">Stop Worker</button>
    let w;
    function startWorker() {
      if (typeof(w) == "undefined") {
        w = new Worker("demo_workers.js");
      w.onmessage = function(event) {
        document.getElementById("result").innerHTML =;
    function stopWorker() {
      w = undefined;

    Web Workers and the DOM

    • Since web workers are in external files, they do not have access to the following JavaScript objects:
      • The window object
      • The document object
      • The parent object
    Navigate this module

    Eventually the navigation links, above, will be replaced by these << (previous) and >> (next) buttons below.

    JavaScript icons used in the buttons provided by ICONS8.COM. Smartphone icons created by Freepik - Flaticon