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  • 8.6 JS Best Practices

    Avoid global variables, avoid new, avoid ==, avoid eval()

    Avoid Global Variables

    • Minimize the use of global variables.
    • This includes all data types, objects, and functions.
    • Global variables and functions can be overwritten by other scripts.
    • Use local variables instead, and learn how to use function closures.

    Always Declare Local Variables

    • All variables used in a function should be declared as local variables.
    • Local variables must be declared with the var, the let, or the const keyword, otherwise they will become global variables.
    • Strict mode does not allow undeclared variables.

    Declarations on Top

    • It is a good coding practice to put all declarations at the top of each script or function.
    • This will:
      • Give cleaner code
      • Provide a single place to look for local variables
      • Make it easier to avoid unwanted (implied) global variables
      • Reduce the possibility of unwanted re-declarations
    // Declare at the beginning
    let firstName, lastName, price, discount, fullPrice;
    // Use later
    firstName = "John";
    lastName = "Doe";
    price = 19.90;
    discount = 0.10;
    fullPrice = price - discount; 

    This also goes for loop variables:

    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { 

    Initialize Variables

    • It is a good coding practice to initialize variables when you declare them.
    • This will:
      • Give cleaner code
      • Provide a single place to initialize variables
      • Avoid undefined values
    // Declare and initiate at the beginning
    let firstName = "";
    let lastName = "";
    let price = 0;
    let discount = 0;
    let fullPrice = 0,
    const myArray = [];
    const myObject = {}; 

    Initializing variables provides an idea of the intended use (and intended data type).

    Declare Objects with const

    Declaring objects with const will prevent any accidental change of type:


    let car = {type:"Fiat", model:"500", color:"white"};
    car = "Fiat";      // Changes object to string
    const car = {type:"Fiat", model:"500", color:"white"};
    car = "Fiat";      // Not possible

    Declare Arrays with const

    Declaring arrays with const will prevent any accidential change of type:


    let cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
    cars = 3;    // Changes array to number
    const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
    cars = 3;    // Not possible

    Don't Use new Object()

    • Use "" instead of new String()
    • Use 0 instead of new Number()
    • Use false instead of new Boolean()
    • Use {} instead of new Object()
    • Use [] instead of new Array()
    • Use /()/ instead of new RegExp()
    • Use function (){} instead of new Function()
    Example 1: JS Literal Constructors
     let x1 = "";             // new primitive string
    let x2 = 0;              // new primitive number
    let x3 = false;          // new primitive boolean
    const x4 = {};           // new object
    const x5 = [];           // new array object
    const x6 = /()/;         // new regexp object
    const x7 = function(){}; // new function object 

    Beware of Automatic Type Conversions

    • JavaScript is loosely typed.
    • A variable can contain all data types.
    • A variable can change its data type:
    Example 2: JS Variables
     let x = "Hello";     // typeof x is a string
    x = 5;               // changes typeof x to a number 
    • Beware that numbers can accidentally be converted to strings or NaN (Not a Number).
    • When doing mathematical operations, JavaScript can convert numbers to strings:
    Example 3: JS Variables - Automatic Type Conversions
     let x = 5 + 7;       // x.valueOf() is 12,  typeof x is a number
    let x = 5 + "7";     // x.valueOf() is 57,  typeof x is a string
    let x = "5" + 7;     // x.valueOf() is 57,  typeof x is a string
    let x = 5 - 7;       // x.valueOf() is -2,  typeof x is a number
    let x = 5 - "7";     // x.valueOf() is -2,  typeof x is a number
    let x = "5" - 7;     // x.valueOf() is -2,  typeof x is a number
    let x = 5 - "x";     // x.valueOf() is NaN, typeof x is a number 

    Try it yourself

    Subtracting a string from a string, does not generate an error but returns NaN (Not a Number):

    Example 4: JS Variables - NaN
    "Hello" - "Dolly"    // returns NaN 

    Use === Comparison

    • The == comparison operator always converts (to matching types) before comparison.
    • The === operator forces comparison of values and type:
    Example 5: JS Comparisons
    0 == "";        // true
    1 == "1";       // true
    1 == true;      // true
    0 === "";       // false
    1 === "1";      // false
    1 === true;     // false 

    Try it yourself

    Use Parameter Defaults

    • If a function is called with a missing argument, the value of the missing argument is set to undefined.
    • Undefined values can break your code. It is a good habit to assign default values to arguments.
    Example 6: JS Functions - Parameter Defaults
    function myFunction(x, y) {
      if (y === undefined) {
        y = 0;

    ECMAScript 2015 allows default parameters in the function definition:

    function (a=1, b=1) { /*function code*/ }

    End Your Switches with Defaults

    Always end your switch statements with a default. Even if you think there is no need for it.

    Example 7: End Your Switches with Defaults
    switch (new Date().getDay()) {
      case 0:
        day = "Sunday";
      case 1:
        day = "Monday";
      case 2:
        day = "Tuesday";
      case 3:
        day = "Wednesday";
      case 4:
        day = "Thursday";
      case 5:
        day = "Friday";
      case 6:
        day = "Saturday";
        day = "Not the weekend";

    Avoid Number, String, and Boolean as Objects

    • Always treat numbers, strings, or booleans as primitive values. Not as objects.
    • Declaring these types as objects, slows down execution speed, and produces nasty side effects:
    Example 8: JS String Objects cannot be safely compared
     let x = "John";             
    let y = new String("John");
    (x === y) // is false because x is a string and y is an object. 

    Or even worse:

    Example 9: JS Objects cannot be compared
     let x = new String("John");             
    let y = new String("John");
    (x == y) // is false because you cannot compare objects. 

    Avoid Using eval()

    • The eval() function is used to run text as code. In almost all cases, it should not be necessary to use it.
    • Because it allows arbitrary code to be run, it also represents a security problem.
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