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  • 17.4 AJAX Response

    Server Response Properties

    Property Description
    responseText get the response data as a string
    responseXML get the response data as XML data

    The responseText Property

    The responseText property returns the server response as a JavaScript string, and you can use it accordingly:

    Example 1: AJAX XMLHttpRequest Object
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xhttp.responseText;

    The responseXML Property

    • The XMLHttpRequest object has an in-built XML parser.
    • The responseXML property returns the server response as an XML DOM object.
    • Using this property you can parse the response as an XML DOM object:
    Example 2: AJAX Request - The responseXML Property

    Request the file cd_catalog.xml and parse the response:

    const xmlDoc = xhttp.responseXML;
    const x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ARTIST");
    let txt = "";
    for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
      txt += x[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue + "<br>";
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = txt;"GET", "cd_catalog.xml");

    Server Response Methods

    Method Description
    getResponseHeader() Returns specific header information from the server resource
    getAllResponseHeaders() Returns all the header information from the server resource

    The getAllResponseHeaders() Method

    The getAllResponseHeaders() method returns all header information from the server response.

    Example 3: Server Response Methods - The getAllResponseHeaders() Method
    const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhttp.onload = function() {
        document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
    }"GET", "ajax_info.txt");

    The getResponseHeader() Method

    The getResponseHeader() method returns specific header information from the server response.

    Example 4: Server Response Methods - The getResponseHeader() Method
    const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhttp.onload = function() {
        document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
    }"GET", "ajax_info.txt");
    Navigate this module

    Eventually the navigation links, above, will be replaced by these << (previous) and >> (next) buttons below.

    JavaScript icons used in the buttons provided by ICONS8.COM. Smartphone icons created by Freepik - Flaticon