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  • 7.1 JS Sets

    • A Map holds key-value pairs where the keys can be any datatype.
    • A Map remembers the original insertion order of the keys.

    Essential Map Methods

    Method Description
    new Map() Creates a new Map
    set() Sets the value for a key in a Map
    get() Gets the value for a key in a Map
    delete() Removes a Map element specified by the key
    has() Returns true if a key exists in a Map
    forEach() Calls a function for each key/value pair in a Map
    entries() Returns an iterator with the [key, value] pairs in a Map
    Property Description
    size Returns the number of elements in a Map

    How to Create a Map

    You can create a JavaScript Map by:

    • Passing an Array to new Map()
    • Create a Map and use Map.set()

    The new Map() Method

    You can create a Map by passing an Array to the new Map() constructor:

    Example 1: JS Sets Map Objects part 1
    // Create a Map
    const fruits = new Map([
      ["apples", 500],
      ["bananas", 300],
      ["oranges", 200]

    The set() Method

    You can add elements to a Map with the set() method:

    Example 2: JS Sets Map Objects part 2
    // Create a Map
    const fruits = new Map();
    // Set Map Values
    fruits.set("apples", 500);
    fruits.set("bananas", 300);
    fruits.set("oranges", 200);

    The set() method can also be used to change existing Map values:

    Example 3: JS Sets Map Objects part 3
    fruits.set("apples", 200);

    The get() Method

    The get() method gets the value of a key in a Map:

    Example 4: JS Sets Map Objects part 4
    fruits.get("apples");    // Returns 500

    The size Property

    The size property returns the number of elements in a Map:

    Example 5: JS Sets Map Objects part 5

    The delete() Method

    The delete() method removes a Map element:

    Example 6: JS Sets Delete Map Objects

    The has() Method

    The has() method returns true if a key exists in a Map:

    Example 7: JS Sets Map.has() part 1
    Try This: JS Sets Map.has() part 2

    JavaScript Objects vs Maps

    Differences between JavaScript Objects and Maps:

    Object Map
    Iterable Not directly iterable Directly iterable
    Size Do not have a size property Have a size property
    Key Types Keys must be Strings (or Symbols) Keys can be any datatype
    Key Order Keys are not well ordered Keys are ordered by insertion
    Defaults Have default keys Do not have default keys

    The forEach() Method

    The forEach() method calls a function for each key/value pair in a Map:

    Example 8: JS Sets Map Objects forEach()
    // List all entries
    let text = "";
    fruits.forEach (function(value, key) {
      text += key + ' = ' + value;

    The entries() Method

    The entries() method returns an iterator object with the [key, values] in a Map:

    Example 9: JS Sets Map Objects Map.entries()
    // List all entries
    let text = "";
    for (const x of fruits.entries()) {
      text += x;

    Browser Support

    JavaScript Maps are supported in all browsers, except Internet Explorer:

    Chrome icon Edge icon Firefox icon Safari icon Opera icon
    Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
    Navigate this module

    Eventually the navigation links, above, will be replaced by these << (previous) and >> (next) buttons below.

    JavaScript icons used in the buttons provided by ICONS8.COM. Smartphone icons created by Freepik - Flaticon