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  • 2.3 PHP Numbers

    In this chapter we will look in depth into Integers, Floats, and Number Strings.

    PHP Numbers

    • One thing to notice about PHP is that it provides automatic data type conversion.
    • So, if you assign an integer value to a variable, the type of that variable will automatically be an integer. Then, if you assign a string to the same variable, the type will change to a string.
    • This automatic conversion can sometimes break your code.

    PHP Integers

    • An integer is a number without any decimal part.
    • 2, 256, -256, 10358, -179567 are all integers. While 7.56, 10.0, 150.67 are floats.
    • So, an integer data type is a non-decimal number between -2147483648 and 2147483647. A value greater (or lower) than this, will be stored as float, because it exceeds the limit of an integer.
    • Another important thing to know is that even if 4 * 2.5 is 10, the result is stored as float, because one of the operands is a float (2.5).
    • Here are some rules for integers:
      • An integer must have at least one digit
      • An integer must not have a decimal point
      • An integer can be either positive or negative
      • Integers can be specified in three formats: decimal (10-based), hexadecimal (16-based - prefixed with 0x) or octal (8-based - prefixed with 0)
    • PHP has the following functions to check if the type of a variable is integer:
      • is_int()
      • is_integer() - alias of is_int()
      • is_long() - alias of is_int()
    Example 1: PHP Numbers - Integers is_int()

    Check if the type of a variable is integer:

    $x = 5985;
    $x = 59.85;

    PHP Floats

    • A float is a number with a decimal point or a number in exponential form.
    • 2.0, 256.4, 10.358, 7.64E+5, 5.56E-5 are all floats.
    • The float data type can commonly store a value up to 1.7976931348623E+308 (platform dependent), and have a maximum precision of 14 digits.
    • PHP has the following functions to check if the type of a variable is float:
      • is_float()
      • is_double() - alias of is_float()
    Example 2: PHP Numbers - Floats is_float()

    Check if the type of a variable is float:

    $x = 10.365;

    PHP Infinity

    • A numeric value that is larger than PHP_FLOAT_MAX is considered infinite.
    • PHP has the following functions to check if a numeric value is finite or infinite:
    • However, the PHP var_dump() function returns the data type and value:
    Example 3: PHP Numbers - Check if a numeric value is finite

    Check if a numeric value is finite or infinite:

    $x = 1.9e411;

    PHP NaN

    • NaN stands for Not a Number.
    • NaN is used for impossible mathematical operations.
    • PHP has the following functions to check if a value is not a number:
      • is_nan()
    • However, the PHP var_dump() function returns the data type and value:
    Example 4: PHP Numbers - Invalid calculation will return a NaN value:

    Invalid calculation will return a NaN value:

    $x = acos(8);

    PHP Numerical Strings

    The PHP is_numeric() function can be used to find whether a variable is numeric. The function returns true if the variable is a number or a numeric string, false otherwise.

    Example 5: PHP Numbers - Check if the variable is numeric

    Check if the variable is numeric:

    $x = 5985;
    $x = "5985";
    $x = "59.85" + 100;
    $x = "Hello";

    Note: From PHP 7.0: The is_numeric() function will return FALSE for numeric strings in hexadecimal form (e.g. 0xf4c3b00c), as they are no longer considered as numeric strings.

    PHP Casting Strings and Floats to Integers

    • Sometimes you need to cast a numerical value into another data type.
    • The (int), (integer), or intval() function are often used to convert a value to an integer.
    Example 6: PHP Numbers - Cast float to int

    Cast float and string to integer:

    // Cast float to int
    $x = 23465.768;
    $int_cast = (int)$x;
    echo $int_cast;
    echo "<br>";
    // Cast string to int
    $x = "23465.768";
    $int_cast = (int)$x;
    echo $int_cast;
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