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Smartphone icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
This chapter shows how to validate names, e-mails, and URLs.
The code below shows a simple way to check if the name field only contains letters, dashes, apostrophes and whitespaces. If the value of the name field is not valid, then store an error message:
$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z-' ]*$/",$name)) {
$nameErr = "Only letters and white space allowed";
The preg_match() function searches a string for pattern, returning true if the pattern exists, and false otherwise.
$email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$emailErr = "Invalid email format";
The code below shows a way to check if a URL address syntax is valid (this regular expression also allows dashes in the URL). If the URL address syntax is not valid, then store an error message:
$website = test_input($_POST["website"]);
if (!preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i",$website)) {
$websiteErr = "Invalid URL";
Now, the script looks like this:
<?php // define variables and set to empty values $nameErr = $emailErr = $genderErr = $websiteErr = ""; $name = $email = $gender = $comment = $website = ""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (empty($_POST["name"])) { $nameErr = "Name is required"; } else { $name = test_input($_POST["name"]); // check if name only contains letters and whitespace if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z-' ]*$/",$name)) { $nameErr = "Only letters and white space allowed"; } } if (empty($_POST["email"])) { $emailErr = "Email is required"; } else { $email = test_input($_POST["email"]); // check if e-mail address is well-formed if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $emailErr = "Invalid email format"; } } if (empty($_POST["website"])) { $website = ""; } else { $website = test_input($_POST["website"]); // check if URL address syntax is valid (this regular expression also allows dashes in the URL) if (!preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i",$website)) { $websiteErr = "Invalid URL"; } } if (empty($_POST["comment"])) { $comment = ""; } else { $comment = test_input($_POST["comment"]); } if (empty($_POST["gender"])) { $genderErr = "Gender is required"; } else { $gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]); } } ?>
The next step is to show how to prevent the form from emptying all the input fields when the user submits the form.
Eventually the navigation links, above, will be replaced by these (previous) and (next) buttons below.
Animated PHP icons used in the buttons provided by ICONS8.COM. Smartphone icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
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