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  • 9.1 PHP XML Parsers
  • 9.2 PHP SimpleXML Parser
  • 9.3 PHP SimpleXML - Get
  • 9.4 PHP XML Expat
  • 9.5 PHP XML DOM
  • 9.1 PHP XML Parsers

    • The XML language is a way to structure data for sharing across websites.
    • Several web technologies like RSS Feeds and Podcasts are written in XML.
    • XML is easy to create. It looks a lot like HTML, except that you make up your own tags.

    What is an XML Parser?

    • To read and update, create and manipulate an XML document, you will need an XML parser.
    • In PHP there are two major types of XML parsers:
      • Tree-Based Parsers
      • Event-Based Parsers

    Tree-Based Parsers

    • Tree-based parsers holds the entire document in Memory and transforms the XML document into a Tree structure. It analyzes the whole document, and provides access to the Tree elements (DOM).
    • This type of parser is a better option for smaller XML documents, but not for large XML document as it causes major performance issues.
    • Example of tree-based parsers:
      • SimpleXML
      • DOM

    Event-Based Parsers

    • Event-based parsers do not hold the entire document in Memory, instead, they read in one node at a time and allow you to interact with in real time. Once you move onto the next node, the old one is thrown away.
    • This type of parser is well suited for large XML documents. It parses faster and consumes less memory.
    • Example of event-based parsers:
      • XMLReader
      • XML Expat Parser
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