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  • 6.12 PHP JSON

    • JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and is a syntax for storing and exchanging data.
    • Since the JSON format is a text-based format, it can easily be sent to and from a server, and used as a data format by any programming language.

    PHP and JSON

    • PHP has some built-in functions to handle JSON.
    • First, we will look at the following two functions:
      • json_encode()
      • json_decode()

    PHP - json_encode()

    The json_encode() function is used to encode a value to JSON format.

    Example 1: PHP - json_encode() part 1

    This example shows how to encode an associative array into a JSON object:

    $age =  array("Peter"=>35,  "Ben"=>37,  "Joe"=>43);
    echo  json_encode($age);
    Example 2: PHP and JSON - json_encode() part 2

    This example shows how to encode an indexed array into a JSON array:

    $cars =  array("Volvo",  "BMW",  "Toyota");
    echo  json_encode($cars);

    PHP - json_decode()

    The json_decode() function is used to decode a JSON object into a PHP object or an associative array.

    Example 3: PHP and JSON - json_decode() part 1

    This example decodes JSON data into a PHP object:

    $jsonobj =  '{"Peter":35,"Ben":37,"Joe":43}';

    The json_decode() function returns an object by default. The json_decode() function has a second parameter, and when set to true, JSON objects are decoded into associative arrays.

    Example 4: PHP and JSON - json_decode() part 2

    This example decodes JSON data into a PHP associative array:

    $jsonobj =  '{"Peter":35,"Ben":37,"Joe":43}';
    var_dump(json_decode($jsonobj, true));

    PHP - Accessing the Decoded Values

    Here are two examples of how to access the decoded values from an object and from an associative array:

    Example 5: PHP and JSON - Accessing the Decoded Values part 1

    This example shows how to access the values from a PHP object:

    $jsonobj =  '{"Peter":35,"Ben":37,"Joe":43}';
    $obj = json_decode($jsonobj);
    echo  $obj->Peter;
    echo  $obj->Ben;
    echo  $obj->Joe;
    Example 6: PHP and JSON - Accessing the Decoded Values part 2

    This example shows how to access the values from a PHP associative array:

    $jsonobj =  '{"Peter":35,"Ben":37,"Joe":43}';
    $arr = json_decode($jsonobj, true);
    echo  $arr["Peter"];
    echo  $arr["Ben"];
    echo  $arr["Joe"];

    PHP - Looping Through the Values

    You can also loop through the values with a foreach() loop:

    Example 7: PHP and JSON - Looping Through the Values part 1

    This example shows how to loop through the values of a PHP object:

    $jsonobj =  '{"Peter":35,"Ben":37,"Joe":43}';
    $obj = json_decode($jsonobj);
    foreach($obj  as  $key => $value) {
       echo  $key .  " => "  . $value .  "<br>";
    Example 8: PHP and JSON - Looping Through the Values part 2

    This example shows how to loop through the values of a PHP associative array:

    $jsonobj =  '{"Peter":35,"Ben":37,"Joe":43}';
    $arr = json_decode($jsonobj, true);
    foreach($arr  as  $key => $value) {
       echo  $key .  " => "  . $value .  "<br>";
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