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<?php class Fruit { public $name; protected $color; private $weight; } $mango = new Fruit(); $mango->name = 'Mango'; // OK $mango->color = 'Yellow'; // ERROR $mango->weight = '300'; // ERROR ?>
In the next example we have added access modifiers to two methods. Here, if you try to call the set_color() or the set_weight() function it will result in a fatal error (because the two functions are considered protected and private), even if all the properties are public:
<?php class Fruit { public $name; public $color; public $weight; function set_name($n) { // a public function (default) $this->name = $n; } protected function set_color($n) { // a protected function $this->color = $n; } private function set_weight($n) { // a private function $this->weight = $n; } } $mango = new Fruit(); $mango->set_name('Mango'); // OK $mango->set_color('Yellow'); // ERROR $mango->set_weight('300'); // ERROR ?>
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Animated PHP icons used in the buttons provided by ICONS8.COM. Smartphone icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Module 7 quiz