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  • 6.2 PHP Include Files

    • The include (or require) statement takes all the text/code/markup that exists in the specified file and copies it into the file that uses the include statement.
    • Including files is very useful when you want to include the same PHP, HTML, or text on multiple pages of a website.

    PHP include and require Statements

    • It is possible to insert the content of one PHP file into another PHP file (before the server executes it), with the include or require statement.
    • The include and require statements are identical, except upon failure:
      • require will produce a fatal error (E_COMPILE_ERROR) and stop the script
      • include will only produce a warning (E_WARNING) and the script will continue
    • So, if you want the execution to go on and show users the output, even if the include file is missing, use the include statement. Otherwise, in case of FrameWork, CMS, or a complex PHP application coding, always use the require statement to include a key file to the flow of execution. This will help avoid compromising your application's security and integrity, just in-case one key file is accidentally missing.
    • Including files saves a lot of work. This means that you can create a standard header, footer, or menu file for all your web pages. Then, when the header needs to be updated, you can only update the header include file.


    include 'filename';
    require 'filename';

    PHP include Examples

    Example 1

    echo "<p>Copyright © 1999-" . date("Y") . "</p>";

    To include the footer file in a page, use the include statement:

    Example 1: PHP Include Files - PHP include Example part 1
    <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
    <p>Some text.</p>
    <p>Some more text.</p>
    <?php include 'footer.php';?>

    Example 2

    Assume we have a standard menu file called "menu.php":

    All pages in the Web site should use this menu file. Here is how it can be done (we are using a <div> element so that the menu easily can be styled with CSS later):

    Example 2: PHP Include Files - PHP include Example part 2
    <div class="menu">
    <?php include 'menu.php';?>
    <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
    <p>Some text.</p>
    <p>Some more text.</p>

    Example 3

    Assume we have a file called "vars.php", with some variables defined:

    $car='Toyota Rav4';

    Then, if we include the "vars.php" file, the variables can be used in the calling file:

    Example 3: PHP Include Files - PHP include Example part 3
    <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
    <?php include 'vars.php';
    echo "I have a $color $car.";

    PHP include vs. require

    • The require statement is also used to include a file into the PHP code.
    • However, there is one big difference between include and require; when a file is included with the include statement and PHP cannot find it, the script will continue to execute:
    Example 4: PHP Include Files - PHP include Example part 4
    <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
    <?php include 'noFileExists.php';
    echo "I have a $color $car.";

    If we do the same example using the require statement, the echo statement will not be executed because the script execution dies after the require statement returned a fatal error:

    Example 5: PHP Include Files - PHP require Example
    <h1>Welcome to my home page!</h1>
    <?php require 'noFileExists.php';
    echo "I have a $color $car.";
    • Use require when the file is required by the application.
    • Use include when the file is not required and application should continue when file is not found.
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