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1.4 PHP Comments

    • A comment in PHP code is a line that is not executed as a part of the program. Its only purpose is to be read by someone who is looking at the code.
    • Comments can be used to:
      • Let others understand your code
      • Remind yourself of what you did - Most programmers have experienced coming back to their own work a year or two later and having to re-figure out what they did. Comments can remind you of what you were thinking when you wrote the code.
    • PHP supports several ways of commenting:
    Example 1: Syntax for single-line comments

    Syntax for single-line comments:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    // This is a single-line comment
    # This is also a single-line comment
    Example 2: Syntax for multiple-line comments:

    Syntax for multiple-line comments:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    This is a multiple-lines comment block
    that spans over multiple
    Example 3: Using comments to leave out parts of the code:

    Using comments to leave out parts of the code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    // You can also use comments to leave out parts of a code line
    $x = 5 /* + 15 */ + 5;
    echo $x;
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    Animated PHP icons used in the buttons provided by ICONS8.COM. Smartphone icons created by Freepik - Flaticon